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This page contains everything you need to use my xearth markerfile service. My listserver will send you updates (several times a day) on the world's earthquakes, hurricanes and the temperature in silicon valley at my place. (Okay, actually I get the temperature from Moffet NAS, which is in my neighborhood).
You can find the mailfilter here also which will take the incomming messages to your e-mail and process out the xearthmarkers yet send you the rest of your mail, so you won't notice the difference in your mail service and it's fully automatic. Just sit back and enjoy a big xearth display on your workstation and impress everyone with how cool your workstation is.
All you have to do is:
The markers on the demo gif are:
steelblue=tropical storms with their classification and wind speed
orange=earthquakes with thier magnitudes.
white=temperature at Dave's Place (Moffet Naval Air Station, Mountain View,
For the earthquakes and storms, the dot size is proportional to the size
of the event.
I'm providing this serivce in an attempt to reduce the data consumed by people on the net. I have to do a lot of polling and transfers of data to get and process this information from a precious few servers. I hope to reduce the load on the servers (potentially) by providing you with the processed data directly.
I'm planning to change the markerfile service pretty soon in such a way that it provides tags on the markers that disable them. You'll be able to use sed to filter the tags and get the markers you want, so it'll be much easier to customize your own markers. This is just the starting point.